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Special Events Tour package

For up-close views and behind-the-scenes glimpses of famous celebrations, Globus Special Event vacations are the way to go.

The Kandy Esala Perahera

The Festival of the Tooth is a festival held in July and August in Kandy, Sri Lanka. This historical procession is held annually to pay homage to the Sacred Tooth Relic of Buddha, which is housed at the Sri Dalada Maligawa in Kandy. A unique symbol of Sri Lanka, the procession consists of traditional local dances such as fire-dances, whip-danc garments. The festival ends with the traditional diya-kepeema ritual, a water cutting ceremony which is held at the Mahaweli River at Getambe, Kandy.

The Navam Maha Perahera

Navam Full Moon Poya signifies two significant events that happened more than 2500 years ago; it is on this day that the Buddha laid down a code of discipline for the Sangha and significantly, the Buddha’s Chief Disciples Saripuththa and Moggalana entered the Order of the Sangha also on this day. It is for this reason that the Navam Perahera includes a unique feature, a procession of Bhikkhu within the Perahera and the held on February every year.

The Kataragama Esala Perahera

Historic Ruhunu Kataragama Maha Devalaya in the south-east of Sri Lanka, begins this month with much reverence. An awe-inspiring annual ritual, which has been held for centuries; the festival draws thousands of devotees from various faiths and ethnicities who unite in worship as they pay reverence to the god Kataragama, the deity with six faces and twelve hands, mounted upon a peacock. And perahera ceremony commencing from July 16th every year.

you can choose yourself any event and the destinations to spend your Holiday as your wish and will let you know the cost for the Accommodation in star hotel with luxury transportations. The cost is negotiable as on your budget.

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